But there are many more advantages of going to university. First of all, the more educated you are, the more you earn, and the more easily you are promoted. For the nation also, educated people are more important than the land, natural resources or population. Educated person make the quality of life batter.
Secondly, knowledge can be practically useful. We can protect our self from much trouble and also save our money. An educated person can solve many of the problems easily. He or she behaves more rationally.
Thirdly, the more educated you are, the batter health you enjoy. You know the risk of smoking and you do not smoke. You tried to prevent many risk or reduce them. You live a meaningful life. You will not run the risk of dying on the operation table.
Fourthly, as physical exercise is good for your health, so is mental exercise for your brain. Gaining knowledge is the exercise of the brain.
Fifthly, knowledgeable people have been respected in any society at anytime in human history. A person may have so many good qualities, but if he is uneducated he will not be respected in the society as well as in his own eyes. An educated person generally feels batter about himself
Sixthly, children and animals are curious to learn everything around them. But human being as they grow older loses some of the curiosity. Love of knowledge for the sake of knowledge is a universal phenomenon. In many culture this has been ignored. We make cultivate these aspects by going to university.
Seventhly, we can widen our social horizon. University provides us a new opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.
Eighthly, education gives us freedom. We can understand our own thoughts and desires and make as free from indoctrination systematic teaching along time.
Ninthly, we can learn something about the universe. We understand that human beings are a part of living things, and that human civilization and environment can be protected or destroyed by human activities.
Finally, culture develops in a democracy and democracy becomes stable in the country where there are educated
People. They can judge the policy and the policy makers. They will not be biased cone sided . Although politician use the power for their own advantages. Educated citizen can chose the right leaders. The future of humanity depends on the right decisions of the people. By going to university, people can learn what is right and what is wrong
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