When the Rita Anne started her voyage, her crew passed their free time by reading, singing and talking stories. They found a stranger island on the way. They brought a rock from there and place it in the cargo store. Now when the salers were free, they would watch the peculiar light it gave off. The captain missed their music and story telling. Their behavior change. They rarely spoke. They climbed on the rope more easily. Then the captain said that he would throw the rock. After this he did not see any one on the deck. They all had locked themselves in the store waiting the Uretched stone. They suppose that the captain alone could sail the ship. A powerful stream was heading that way. So he went to call them. But surprisingly, they all had turned in to hairy apes. They did not understand the word he said. The storm passed and the ship was still floating. The crews were sad because the stone had gone dark. Then the captain stared playing the violin and reading to them. After this who could read improved more quickly afterwards they were rescued by a passing ship and the Rita Anne was born with the stone
Since the title of this unit is Television, the stone here stands for television. Therefore we may say that this story is trying to tell us something about television. T V makes people dull and finally they were change in to uncivilized once. They don’t understand what is told to them. They neglect their duties. They prefer to pass their whole time sitting before their TV sets.
The writer has rightly presented the bad influences of TV on people. But he has not mentioned the advantages people get by watching TV. People can see new places and new people sitting in their own rooms. They can also watch many important historic events. They can get a lot of information from it.
When I read this story I remember my own passed life at home. Years ago I and my brother requested our parents to buy a TV set. When it was brought home, we would watch it only after we had finished our homework. But later we neglect our study. When an interesting programs was being broadcast. We would not even go for our meals. Once the TV set was struck by lightning and our father did not repair it. Then we started doing our homework and everything was all right.
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